Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Ref | Beyond Tomorrow

Dear moviemainers,

Happy Holidays!  I have chosen two films I hope you enjoy while sitting around a fire during this busy holiday season.  First up is the film called The Ref, 1994 starring Denis Leary, Judy Davis and Kevin Spacey. Denis plays the part of a thief who kidnaps a couple when things go wrong for him.  Little does he know this is a couple going through marital problems and having to spend time with these people until the coast is clear for him to get out of town will put him over the edge.

Second film for the month is Beyond Tomorrow, 1940.  This is a little known film about three men trying to help a young couple get together, taking place on Christmas Eve.  The film does not have lead actors, instead the cast is made up of veteran character actors.  

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and I hope to see you at the next movie club supper.


Click here for The Ref in

Click here for Beyond Tomorrow in

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Camille | What's Cooking?

Dear Moviemainers,

Well here we are into the month of November.  Let us talk turkey and a movie.  First up is a request we had for the film Camille, 1936 starring Greta Garbo and Robert Taylor.  This is a romantic drama considered one of the best Greta Garbo films... it is a story of a woman who loves two men and the journey it takes her; bring your kleenex!  

Next up is What's Cooking, a comedy drama from 2000 starring Mercedes Ruehl, Kyra Sedgwick and Lanie Kazan.  This film tells the story of four families and how they celebrate the holiday.  This is a film I found for the Thanksgiving holiday; there are touching moments and some comedy here.  As for Thanksgiving, I have a great recipe for cranberry relish... email me if you want it.   

In last month's announcement I told everyone about what a great time we had at Larry's Park Street Cinema.  I'll attach a couple of pictures here, and I look forward to more movies at Larry's in the future!

Have a wonderful holiday.  

Your movie diva,

Click here to see Camille in

Click here to see What's Cooking? in

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Spiral Staircase

Dear Moviemainers:

All of you who missed movie time at Larry's, well what can I say... YOUR LOSS!  It was a fabulous time.  We started with dinner at Ginny and Don's house with brie and crackers and then pulled pork (you might ask yourself why am I discussing the food... it's because I want everyone to know what they missed!).  We then left for Larry's house two streets over.  The two films shown were The Woman In Red and The Uninvited (my favorite ghost story).  I have to admit I came back to New England for 10 days with appointments and a wedding to attend... yet this was the best evening of my 10 day visit!  Larry's theater is amazing and if you get the opportunity to go do not miss it.  

The first of two films we watched, The Woman In Red, was in tribute to Gene Wilder.  He directed, produced, and starred in this film.  Everyone laughed while watching it (I do not laugh enough in my life so it was a treat to think everyone got why I wanted to show this film).  You cannot get this on Netflix without a long wait... but there's no wait at Larry's cinema!  The other film is The Uninvited from 1940 starring Ray Milland (it's my personal favorite ghost story and I watch it every year in October).  Okay, enough about what you missed.  

For the month of October it is the 1946 movie The Spiral Staircase, starring Dorothy McGuire, George Brent and Ethel Barrymore.  It is a suspenseful murder thriller and is considered one of the best psychological thrillers and is Larry's favorite.  I do not want to give much away but it is about a disabled woman and a girl in a house in New England with a serial killer on the loose.  Stay tuned and thanks for watching Lynne's picks.

Your Movie diva,

Click here for The Spiral Staircase in

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Clint Eastwood Month: Play Misty For Me | Absolute Power

Dear Moviemainers here are films for the month of September    This month is Clint Eastwood Month.    He is best known for spaghetti westerns and the Dirty Harry films..   I like the fact that he directs and stars in almost all his own films.   Surprise I did not choose a western although he has made some great ones.    First film up is Play Misty For Me  1971  This is Clint's first time as a director and filmed in  Carmel.    It also has Jessica Walter and Donna Mills in the film.  This is a story of a disc jockey who gets way to involved with a crazy fan.    Next film is Absolute Power  1997  Now I chose this film because of the screen writer William Goldman   who not only do I love the way he writes but I just loved two books by him called Adventures in The Screen Trade and More Adventures in the screen trade.   if you love films you will want to read these two books by him.   This story is about a jewel thief who sees something he shouldn't while robbing a house.    It stars Judy Davis, Ed Harris and Laura Linney.    One last story about Clint is the one The Burt Reynolds likes to tell.   Clint and Burt got fired on the same day while on a film set.   The  producer explained that Clint was being fired because he talked slow had a chipped tooth and a Adam's Apple.   Burt was being fired because he could not act.    As they walked out of the studio Burt said to Clint "  Wow I feel bad for you Clint, I can learn to act but you will never get rid of the Adam's Apple.    I hope you enjoy these films.    I look forward to seeing you all at Larry's house on October 7 for Movie night. more to come about the evening to follow .    Thanks for watching   Movielynne

Click here for Play Misty For Me in

Click here for Absolute Power in

Monday, August 1, 2016

Cider House Rules | Simon Birch

The movies are based on films that take place in  Maine.   the first film is Cider House Rules  1999  , starring Micheal Caine, Tobey Maguire and Charlize Theron.    The film is a drama telling the story of a young boy growing up in a orphanage and how his life evolves  .Favorite line from the film when the children were going to sleep at  night the doctor would say " goodnight you princes's of Maine you King's of New England.

Next film up is Simon Birch 1998, Comedy Drama about a boy and his best friend Simon who is born with dwarfism .   Although this film takes place in Maine no part of the film was actually shot in Maine.   It was filmed in Nova Scotia and parts of Canada..    It seems impossible to get a group of people together to watch a film .   I will keep trying .    Let me know how you feel about my choices on films.    At the bottom of the movieclub choices is the comment section,   Leave me a comment there, if you wish.     

Your movie Diva 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Greenfingers | Adaptation

Dear Movie Mainers,    Here we are already into the month of July,  I have gardening on my mind.    In New England the gardening season is short, and there is nothing more beautiful to me then flowers blooming with a green green grass.   He are two films I hope you enjoy, one about gardeners and the other about a particular flower, an orchid .     

Green Fingers    2000 a film starring Clive Owen (isn't he cute ? I am a sucker for that English accent )   and Helen Mirren.   It is a story loosely based on a story of Prisoners (not serious criminals )  who enter a garden contest in the Cotswold England.   I would put this film in a charming little  story, predictable but the acotrs make it great. 
Adaptation 2002 comedy drama starring Meryl Streep, Nicholas Cage and Chris Cooper.  This film has sadness and comedy in it.   Roger Ebert considered this film one of his top movies to be in his great movie collection.   This story is about a man who has writers block and his twin brother and an orchid.   This would be a great film to show in a group.   I plan on being in Maine July 26 for about 10 days hope to see you all.   Your Movie Diva Movielynne

Click here for Greenfingers in

Click here for Adaptation in

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Walter Matthau Month: House Calls | Hopscotch

Dear moviemainers,

Here is the list of movies for the month of June, it is Walter Matthau month.  He is best known as half the team of the Neil Simon film The Odd Couple, playing the part of Oscar.  First film is House Calls, 1978.  It is about a widower-surgeon, looking for Miss Right. He is a surgeon who works in a hospital with a lot of Characters. Art Carney also stars in it, with Richard Benjamin.

Next up is Hopscotch, 1980.  Starring Walter Matthau and Glenda Jackson. It is a comedy about a CIA agent going rouge.  He dislikes his boss and manages to foil each attempt to be captured, and determined to write his memoirs.

One funny story about Walter, when he was starring with Barbra Streisand in the film Hello Dolly, he did not get along with her.  She, at the age of 24 was bossing everyone around including the director Gene Kelly.  He would tease her and make little comments to her and about her.  One day he went to the head of the studios and complained about her.  Head of the production listened to him and then said the name of the film is Hello Dolly not Hello Walter.  Get back to the set and your job!

I hope you have a wonderful month of June, and hope to see you all soon.

Click here for House Calls in

Click here for Hopscotch in

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sophia Loren Month: Marriage Italian Style | Houseboat

Dear Moviemainers, This month is Sophia Loren month.  I recently saw an interview with her and her son Eduardo; it was very good.  At the age of 81 she is still a very beautiful woman.  Two films I thought you would enjoy:  First is "Marriage Italian Style" 1964.  It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language film.  This is a great film, with a wonderful plot.  See It !

Next up is one of my favorite Sophia Loren films, "Houseboat" 1958, also starring Cary Grant.  A widower takes his three children to live in  a houseboat and meets up with a lady running away.  She ends up being his housekeeper.  I love reading about how films get made.  This is a great one, at the time of this film Cary Grant's real wife (Betsy Drake) wrote the screenplay for her to act with Cary.  While making the film "The Pride and the Passion" he falls in love with Sophia and decides to put her in the film.  He gets the script changed a little, Betsy gets no credit for the film writing.  In the meantime the affair with Loren cools but now they have to make the film together.  Cary tried to get back together with her, but she decides to marry Carlo Ponti instead.  My favorite song now is from this film called "Almost In Your Arms", sung by Sam Cooke.  Listen for it in the background during the scene at the country club dance.  This song is stuck in my head; I hope you like it too!

Your Movie Diva,

Click here for "Marriage Italian Style" in

Click here for "Houseboat" in

Friday, April 1, 2016

Albert Finney Month: The Gathering Storm | The Dresser

Dear Moviemainers,     The month of April is Albert Finney month.    Although I have seen Murder On the Orient Express maybe eighteen times , I started thinking how great an actor Albert Finney is.    Every performance I have watched   him in  he totally is believable in the part.    Two films I think you will enjoy.

2002 The Gathering Storm   This was a made for TV miniseries starring Albert Finney as Winston Churchill and Vanessa Redgrave as his wife Clementine.   This film takes place before WW2 .    This TV miniseries received an Emmy award it is well done .  Some of the film was shot at Chartwell House the real home of Churchill's.

The Dresser   1983   Starring Albert Finney and Tom Courtney .   It is the story of a small Shakespearean  traveling troupe, and the lead actor known as Sir and his Dresser known as Norman.     The relationship between the two men , through out the years.

I hear Larry would like to host?  Email and let me know.  I hear that Larry wrote a book and redid the theater?  We have got to catch up!


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Odd Man Out | Calamity Jane

Dear Moviemainers,  This month of March celebrates 4 years of the movie club (Do You Believe It ?).  I have had so much fun choosing the movies and being a part of this.  Most of all I would like to thank Carl for editing my script and posting the movie choices for the months.  Carl has a way of making me look good.  So here I go for another month of movies.  

Because it is March I always look for one great Irish movie.  This film was recommended by our waiter at T. Cook's restaurant in Scottsdale, Arizona.  The waiter heard us speaking and thought it would be a great choice.  Odd Man Out  1947, starring James Mason and Robert Newton.  The effects of one man's struggle with the law and the political unrest in Northern  Ireland.  The ending was shot twice as critics thought the ending was too violent.  Roman Polanski has said this is his favorite film.

Next on the list is Calamity Jane 1953, starring Doris Day and Howard Keel.  It is a Wild West themed movie.  The song My Secret Love won the Academy Award for Best Original Song.  To me this is one of Doris Day's best films; one of my favorite songs is The Deadwood Stage better known to me as (Whip crack away!).

Have a Happy Saint Patrick's Day.

Your Movie Diva,

Monday, February 1, 2016

It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World | The Great Race

Movie Mainers, here are the movies for the month of February.  This month is about comedy and slapstick.

It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World  1963.  Epic comedy directed by Stanley Kramer.   Starring so many big stars beginning with Spencer Tracy.   The budget was 9.4 million box office was 60 million.    Just to orchestrate all these stars into a film dealing with their agents and money issues was something.   Some stars did not end up in the film either because they wanted too much money or had other commitments .  For instance, Groucho Marx who wanted way too much money and Bob Hope who had a conflict with another project.  This is truly a funny film.

The Great Race 1965.  A comedy written and directed by Blake Edwards,   Starring Jack Lemmon , Tony Curtis and Natalie Wood.    The pie scene is supposedly the best pie fight ever filmed.   It took 5 days to film the one scene.   At the time it was released it was not considered a success , but now has received a 74% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.      

Please send me an email and let me know your thoughts on the film.

Your movie diva,

Click here for Mad World in

Click here for The Great Race in

Friday, January 1, 2016

Slingshot | Star Wars

The movies for January are... the first is Slingshot 2014  about the inventor Dean Kamen who spends 15 years working on a machine to make clean water .   this is Jim's pick.   He found it on Netflix, and very worth viewing more then once.   Second film is the original Star Wars 1977 This is a George Lucas film for anyone who is living under a rock.   Interesting to know George shopped it to all the major networks that said no because they felt it was too strange in the end, 20th century took the chance, it cost 11 million to make and it made 775 million ( good bet on this one ).   I am in Arizona right now, I hope there will not be to much snow this month, and remember enjoy the movies.   Your Movie Diva Movielynne