Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Spiral Staircase

Dear Moviemainers:

All of you who missed movie time at Larry's, well what can I say... YOUR LOSS!  It was a fabulous time.  We started with dinner at Ginny and Don's house with brie and crackers and then pulled pork (you might ask yourself why am I discussing the food... it's because I want everyone to know what they missed!).  We then left for Larry's house two streets over.  The two films shown were The Woman In Red and The Uninvited (my favorite ghost story).  I have to admit I came back to New England for 10 days with appointments and a wedding to attend... yet this was the best evening of my 10 day visit!  Larry's theater is amazing and if you get the opportunity to go do not miss it.  

The first of two films we watched, The Woman In Red, was in tribute to Gene Wilder.  He directed, produced, and starred in this film.  Everyone laughed while watching it (I do not laugh enough in my life so it was a treat to think everyone got why I wanted to show this film).  You cannot get this on Netflix without a long wait... but there's no wait at Larry's cinema!  The other film is The Uninvited from 1940 starring Ray Milland (it's my personal favorite ghost story and I watch it every year in October).  Okay, enough about what you missed.  

For the month of October it is the 1946 movie The Spiral Staircase, starring Dorothy McGuire, George Brent and Ethel Barrymore.  It is a suspenseful murder thriller and is considered one of the best psychological thrillers and is Larry's favorite.  I do not want to give much away but it is about a disabled woman and a girl in a house in New England with a serial killer on the loose.  Stay tuned and thanks for watching Lynne's picks.

Your Movie diva,

Click here for The Spiral Staircase in

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