Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Christmas Card

Dear Moviemainers,   It is that time of year,  Where does all the time go ?    I have only one movie to share with you for this month.    I also do not plan to announce any dinner, as always it is a busy time of year for everyone and it never works out, no matter what date, there will always be people who simply are over committed as we all are .     The film is The Christmas Card  2006 a made for tv movie for the Hallmark Channel.    Now I know what you are thinking  (chick flick )   well maybe some will see it that way.   It is about a small town that sends Christmas cards to soldiers in Afghanistan, and how it changed the life for particular soldier.    It was the highest rated telecast on the Hallmark channel and the actor Ed Asner was nominated for an Emmy for his role in the film.   I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, filled with lots of great memories.    Enjoy the movie and see you next year.    Your Movie diva Movielynne

Check out The Christmas Card in IMDB.com

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Iris | Casting By

Dear Moviemainers , It is time for us to talk Turkey !     (and of course a Movie or two !)    This month we are doing two documentaries about two very interesting women,    The first is Iris, 2014. It is the story about Iris Apfel  who started working in a dress shop in New York , and was told by her employer "Iris you are not pretty and you never will be, but you have got style."   She became an Interior Decorator, and then co-owners of Old World Weavers.    She then gets noticed for the way she dresses at the age  of 94 years young she is still going strong.   I watch the film twice I found it so interesting.

Next is a film called Casting By, 2014   This is a documentary about the casting director Marion Dougherty  How she got a job in this business and how she became one of the top casting directors of all time  (although when you watch the film the word director in this role is an issue).  The number of people that became stars because,  she chose them for parts in  films, what can I say, she knew the right person for the right part, even though the directors of certain films didn't always agree.  I hope you enjoy these films and can be shown on Thanksgiving with your company as everyone will find these women very interesting.  

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Your Movie Diva, Movielynne.

PS  From Tom and Carl - We'll host the November movie club dinner at our house on Sunday 11/29 at 6:00, and show the documentary "Iris".  Please RSVP to Carl if you can make it. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Picture Of Dorian Gray | Ed Wood

Moviemainers  Where is the time going ?    (I guess i say that a lot like every month !)     The first film for the month is The Picture Of Dorian Gray    1945   Starring Angela Lansbury and George Sauders and Hurd Hatfield.    The film tells a story of a man named Dorian who is very handsome and rich and lives a life of self indulgence .   Dorian thinks only of himself and makes a wish in front of the portrait of himself that he would always look young .   He makes this wish in front of an Egyptian statue that has powers his painting ages instead of him.
Next up is Ed Wood 1994 Tim Burton film starring Johnny Depp and Martin Landau.    Martin won the Academy Awards for best Supporting Actor that year for his portrayal of Bella Lagosi  in this film.   This film is a little drama and a little comedy and based on a true story of a film maker named Ed Wood who likes to wear woman's clothes and make sci-fi films  I do not think they were ever considered even a B movie more like C or D   Stick with it .   I will not return until November from Arizona so anyone who would like to host could email everyone else.   Take Care and Happy Halloween.   Your Movie Diva Movielynne 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Hunt For Red October | The Abyss

Dear Moviemainers.    I have submarines on my mind; now I have never been on one but I am still young (at least in my mind).   Here are some facts you might not know.   How long can a sub stay underwater?  90 days.  What is the size of an average sub?  362 feet long and 33 feet in width.  What is the average crew size?  Typical crew size is 140.  One fact not thought of is there are usually no women on subs as the living conditions are not suited for it.   Some subs because of size of warm beds meaning that when you are on duty someone else is sleeping in your bed.  I am thinking I would not like that!

First up is the film The Hunt For Red October 1990.  This is from a Tom Clancy novel.  A Soviet Sub captain wants to defect to the United States while a CIA agent tracks him.  Starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin.  Now where does this sub end up?  Love the end, a skillful thrilling movie.

Next up is The Abyss 1989 Science Fiction film starring Ed Harris.  An American submarine sinks in the Caribbean and U.S. sends a recovery team to the ship to find out what happened.   Hang on to your seat.

Larry, did you say you would host this time?  Let me know.   

I hope you enjoy the films.   

Your Movie Diva,

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Bikini Beach | Breaking Away

August is here.  Films for the month are as follows:  Kate's pick for this month and good news, she is hosting !   (My digs are pretty small right now).  1964 Bikini Beach starring Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello.  The film was originally a script for the Beatles to star in but as their fame grew, they dropped out.  The script changed so Frankie Avalon played two parts.  It is a teen film directed by William Asher (married to Elizabeth Montgomery.  Kate will show the film while we munch on hotdogs and rootbeer floats.  Time and date will be announced.

2nd film is 1979 Breaking Away, starring Dennis Christopher, Dennis Quaid and Daniel Stern.  It is a comedy drama about 4 male teenagers from Bloomington, Indiana who graduated high school, one of the young men become obsessed with cycling and Italian music.  He becomes involved in competing in races.  This film won the Academy Award for the Best Original Screenplay and is rated eight in the most inspiring movies of all time. 

I just received the film Rear Window, although it was for last month. I love this movie so much I am watching it again tonight.   One of Hitchcock's best..     Has anybody notice you can not stream in Hitchcock Films only send away for them and then you still have to wait !    Worth the wait.

PS From Carl... Another movie the Beatles considered was "Lord Of The Rings"!  John was very eager to play the role of Gollum, and picked Paul to play Frodo, George for Gandolf, and Ringo for Sam.  Luckily, it never materialized!  

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Murder On The Orient Express | Rear Window

Dear Moviemainers  It is July   Tim Kash has made his choice of his favorite mystery movies and of course I like them.

First up is 1974 Murder On The Orient Express directed by Sidney Lumet.   One of my favorite Agatha Christie of all time.   Major star line up and Albert Finney is wonderful as Hercule Poirot   Lots of big stars in this one Ingred Bergman got the Academy award for this one.    I shall say that it all takes place on a train,yes it is murder my friend.

Interesting Agatha never liked the films from her books so it took some convincing to get her to allow this film to be made.   The producer got Lord Mountbatten (the Royal Family ) to talk her into it.    In the end the only fault she had was with it was Albert Finney's moustache.    She decided that after this film came out she was going to kill him off before she died I remember that.

Next is 1954 Rear Window starring Jimmy Stewart ad Grace Kelly and my favorite character actress Thelma Ritter.  Many critics consider this as Hitchcock's best and it is rated as 100 top films of all times.   A man breaks his leg badly and spends a lot  of time in a wheelchair watching his neighbors in the courtyard window .    He and his girlfriend watch and figure they see a murder take place, wonderfully played.  

I can not host but we do not have to show the film we could just enjoy a meal together and discuss the films .   Let me know if you are interested in doing this..    Stay tuned for the month of August film lots of fun.  

Your movie Diva

Murder On Orient Express in IMDB.com

Rear Window in IMBD.com


Monday, June 1, 2015

My Dog Skip | Eight Below

It is June already  (where does the time go?).   Now we are heading into my favorite time of year, short sleeves, shorts and sandals.   This month I chose two dog films I have had on my mind.  There is something wonderful about the companionship of a dog.   I hope you enjoy these two films.

First film:  2000 My Dog Skip, starring Diane Lane Kevin Bacon and Frankie Muniz.  It is a story about a little boy called Willie who doesn't fit in until one day when he gets a dog and his whole life changes, funny and touching.

Second movie: 2006 Eight Below.  Considered a family drama, this story was based on a true event that happened to the Japanese Expedition of 1958 of Antarctica, the weather turned bad and they left the sled dogs.  My heart sank on this one, but there are some highlights.  The one thing about the film for me, was it was a little to long.

I am in a rental so I cannot host but anyone who would like to, please email me.   We do not have to watch the film we can just discuss the film with food (my favorite).   

Your movie diva   

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Mirror Crack'd | Evil Under The Sun

Sorry Folks, Just running a little late this month as I am in the process of moving and there are just not enough hours in the day for me.   But I must always make time for the movies.

This month is Agatha Christie month.   First up is 1980  The  Mirrored Crack'ed with Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson and Kin Novak and my favorite  is Angela Lansbury as Miss Marple.  This is the last big film that Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor made.  Interesting the part Elizabeth Taylor played  was originally  made for Natalie Wood.  This is a story made from the true story of Gene Tierney 's life when she was married to Oleg Cassini, the murder did not occur in real life.  Agatha took what had happened to her and made it a juicy story.

The second film of the month is Evil Under the Sun the reason I like this one is we have Peter Ustinov playing Hercule Poirot as he sets off on another investigation  that brings him to a tiny island that was once owned by the King Of Tyrania .  How did a millionaire wind up with a phony diamond ?  Of course there is a murder committed (I would be disappointed without one in an Agatha Christie!).  Who doesn't love Cole Porter music?   

I can not host this month as I am living out of a suitcase so if someone would love to host let me know.     

Your Movie Diva,

Click here for The Mirror Crack'd in IMDB.com

Click here for Evil Under The Sun in IMDB.com

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Broadcast News | Mother

This month is Albert Brooks month.  I like his little films and how he sees life, so I have chosen two I particularly like.   First of all Albert Brooks was a stand up comedian and had some small parts in films.   1980's -1990's co-wrote directed and starred in some well received comedies.   Sometimes he plays a neurotic character .  First up is Broadcast News 1987 a romantic comedy starring William Hurt, Albert Brooks and Holly Hunter.   The film is about three people that work in a newsroom in Washington D.C., there personal relationships that happen.   Love it and cheering for Aaron to win the girl.

Next up, Mother 1996 comedy drama starring Debbie Reynolds.   Albert plays the character John, a sci-fi writer who is ending his second marriage he can not figure out what had gone wrong  again.   He decides to move back in with his mother hoping to figure out his life.    

I would like to host April movie night.   I will be returning to Maine towards the end of the  month.   I will be in contact with everyone as the time gets closer.   
 Have a wonderful Easter !     Movielynne

Click here for Broadcast News in IMBD.com

Click here for Mother in IMDB.com


Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Crying Game | The Snapper

Dear Moviemainers it is so soon the month of March, not one of my favorite months as it is cold still snowy and it is not winter but it is not spring.   So here goes to the Irish .    

The first is 1992's The Crying Game, a British psychological thriller.   The main character is a man named Fergus, he is a member of the IRA, his meeting with Jody a prisoner, and the relationship that follows.  This film won the Academy Awards for Best Original  Screenplay.  The film was shot in Ireland and London, the budget was 2.3 million and took in 62 million.    

The next film I felt needed to be a lighter one, 1990's The Snapper, an Irish film based on a novel about a family's adventure, filmed in Dublin.   The critics gave this film 97% liked it.  It is the story about a girl that gets pregnant and refuses to name who the father is.   

As Jim's grandmother use to say "Have a pint, sit down, and enjoy the films".    

Your movie diva Movielynne

Click here for The Crying Game in IMDB.com

Click here for The Snapper in IMDB.com

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Misery | Lovers & Other Strangers

Ok moviemainers, it is February and what am I thinking about is snow and Valentine's day.   Two films that fit the bill.   The first one is the 1990 film Misery directed by Rob Reiner and screenplay by one of my favorite writers William Goldman.   It is a story about a writer who in a snow storm runs his car off the road.   He is rescued by a nurse who helps to get him to her home to recover from his injuries.   Hang onto your seat !   Kathy Bates received the Academy Award for Best Actress for this film.   Stephen King considers this one of the best films from all of the films that have been made from one of his books.    

Next is a really funny film it is called Lovers and Other Strangers, written by Joesph Bologna and Renee Taylor.  It is about a young couple who are about to get married and all the relatives in their lives.   It is the first film Diane Keaton played in and the song For All We Know was recorded by the Carpenters and won the Academy Award for Best original Song  in 1970.  I get a kick out of this movie as the characters resemble people I have met in my own life.   

My plans are not fixed yet for the month of February where I will be,  anyone who would like to host let me know.  Movielynne

Read about Misery in IMDB.com

Read about Lovers & Other Strangers in IMDB.com

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Life Itself | Stolen

I cannot believe it is January already.  This month I thought we would do a theme we have not done yet: documentaries.  The first is "Life Itself", a 2014 film about the film critic Roger Ebert (I always liked him although I did not always agree with his critique of certain films).  This film contains a little bit of everything; outtakes with his partner Gene Siskel and appearances on other TV shows.  It is based on Ebert's 2011 memoir.  It had  limited release, and will air publicly on CNN on Sunday, January 4, 2015Click here for more information.

The next film really intrigues me.  It is called "Stolen".  Now, there are several films by that name but this is the 2005 documentary about the Isabella Gardner Museum art heist of 1990.  The main character is the Art Detective Harold Smith.  He worked for Lloyds of London and solved many important cases (what an amazing life). He was born in the Bronx and went to the Maritime Academy.   He developed a skin problem and allowed doctors to use him as a subject to experiment on.  He lost a lung, an eye (hence the eye patch) and a rubber nose.  He takes you step by step how he traced what happened.   This year the FBI has announced that they know who has the paintings and with cooperation, would like to have them returned.  Stayed tuned, there is more to this true story to come and it may happen this spring.

I hope to be back in Maine the last week of January.  I will let you all know where and when we will be meeting.   Movielynne 

Click here for Life Itself in IMDB.com

Click here for Stolen in IMDB.com