The first is 1992's The Crying Game, a British psychological thriller. The main character is a man named Fergus, he is a member of the IRA, his meeting with Jody a prisoner, and the relationship that follows. This film won the Academy Awards for Best Original Screenplay. The film was shot in Ireland and London, the budget was 2.3 million and took in 62 million.
The next film I felt needed to be a lighter one, 1990's The Snapper, an Irish film based on a novel about a family's adventure, filmed in Dublin. The critics gave this film 97% liked it. It is the story about a girl that gets pregnant and refuses to name who the father is.
As Jim's grandmother use to say "Have a pint, sit down, and enjoy the films".
Your movie diva Movielynne
Click here for The Crying Game in
Click here for The Snapper in
1 comment:
Ok I now look back and think the Snapper was just an ok film . It was rated as one the top ten Irish movies, I think not . That is ok, films come and go and what one person likes another might not care for. I hope you all enjoyed the crying game. Movielynne
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