Friday, December 2, 2022

Christmas Eve

Hello Movie Mainers, 


The film for the month of December is Christmas Eve, a made for TV film from 1986.  It is the story of a wealthy lady living in New York who wishes to have her three grandchildren return home for Christmas Eve.  I do not want to give to much away but it is a charming film that you can watch it on YouTube for free and the sound and picture quality are good.   This film has not been shown for some time on TV but its star Loretta Young made sure in her will that the film could be shown for free to the public after her death.  


George and Carl have offered to host the movie this month at their home.  Please RSVP to them if you're interested and we'll pick a date that's convenient for all. 


I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to seeing you soon.  




Click here to watch the trailer and click here to watch the movie

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Pieces Of April

Hi Moviemainers,

Here is the film for the month of November.   Pieces of April 2003 starring Katie Holmes and Oliver Platt and Patricia Clarkson.   This film is a story about a girl who is estranged from her family and Here it is Thanksgiving and she invites her family to come to her apartment to celebrate Thanksgiving.   As you might imagine things do not go according to plan.   This is an underrated film and there are people who watch this film every Thanksgiving.
Ted and Greg have volunteered to host this month.  The date is Saturday 11/19 at 6:00 pm.  They will be showing last month's movie, Blithe Spirits.  Please RSVP to Ted if you can can make it.  His email address is

I hope you enjoy and I hope we can watch it all together.    

Your movie diva,

Click here to watch the trailer.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Blithe Spirit

Hi Moviemainers,   

I am a little late as I just got back from visiting my brother in Texas.   The film for the month  of October is Blithe Spirits  1945  Starring Margaret Rutherford and Rex Harrsion .   The film was written by Noel Coward and was directed by David Lean.  The film is about a man who remarries after his first wife dies and a woman who communicates with the dead come to the house to perform a seance and that opens up a can of worms.    They did make a new version of this film in 2020, it did not receive great reviews but maybe some of you would like to see the newer version of it.   

Because it is October I like to show a film with a ghost or supernatural story.   Here is the thing with me,  I like a good ghost story but I do not enjoy blood and core.   I feel you can achieve the effect by great dialogue and great acting that still could give you a chill (I will not recommend the Exorcist as it took me a week to be able to fall asleep with the lights out after watching that film back in the 70s).   

I hope you enjoy,  and if you are interested in hosting please let me know.   

Your movie diva, 

Click here to view the trailer.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Still Of The Night

 Hello Moviemainers,   

The film for the month of September is  Still of The Night, starring Roy Scheider and Meryl Streep the film was made in 1982.   The film is a murder mystery in the style of Hitchcock.    Also in the film is one of my favorite character actresses Jessica Tandy.  When asked Meryl considered the film one of the worst films she ever made (no it is not the worst, for me Out of Africa was a long slow film). I hope you enjoy.


Click here to watch the trailer.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

On Moonlight Bay

Hello Moviemainers,   

The film for the month of August is  1951 On Moonlight Bay, starring Doris Day and Gordon MacRae.   The film is about a Tomboy who falls for the college boy next door.  A great cast and great music.   I hope you all are having a wonderful summer ( for me it goes to fast ) .   I hope in the fall when vacations are over we can all get together.   Take care and hope to hear from someone that liked the film .   How could you not like a film with Doris Day and Gordon MacRae?   

Your Movie diva Movielynne

PS from Carl and George:  We're just starting a two week cruise of Martime Canada, Greenland and Iceland, but we'd like to watch this movie with the group upon our return.  If you'd like to join us at our home, let us know and we'll pick a mutually agreeable date.

Click here to watch the trailer.

Thursday, June 9, 2022


Here is the film for the month of June. Sorry I am working so much that is why I am late. The film for the month of June is INVICTUS. This is a true story starring Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman. It is about the South African rugby team. Again Clint Eastwood hits it out of the park.   Enjoy and hope to see you all soon.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Five Pennies


This month I feel with all the news and sad things going on we need a story with a happy ending, so here goes.

The film for the month of May is 5 Pennies starring Danny Kaye and Louis Armstrong 1959.  This film tells the story of Red Nichols, a trumpet player, and his family and what happens to him.   Red Nichols actually is playing the horn for Danny Kaye.   The film was up for four nominations for the Academy Awards.      

I hope you enjoy, see you soon.   

Click here to view the trailer.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Field Of Dreams

Hello Moviemainers,   The film for the month of April is 1989 Field Of Dreams starring Kevin Costner.    This film is a story of a farmer who builds a baseball field in the middle of his cornfield.   The film cost 15 million to make and grossed 84.4 million.   I hope you enjoy the film and if anyone would like to host a movie night just email me.    Movielynne

Click here to view the trailer.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

High Anxiety

Hello Moviemainers,   

Well this is March and it's been ten years since we started MovieMainers with the help of the editor (aka Carl), the man that makes me look good.  We manage to pull this together and I really love hearing from the members about the films and just getting together to discuss them.

This month was tough as there is so much going on in the world that is frightening, so here's a film where we can escape for just a little while.  I really felt the need to do a comedy as I really need a good laugh especially now.

The film for the month of March is 1977 High Anxiety.  This is a Mel Brooks film and like other Mel Brooks films it's a parody, this time of Hitchcock films.  Alfred Hitchcock consulted on the screenplay with Mel.  In one funny scene, instead of the institute for the insane it is called the institute for the very very nervous.  Alfred sent Mel 6 bottles of Chateau Haut Brion and said here is a little token of my pleasure, have no anxiety about this.  Love it.

Let me know if you are interested in hosting a movie night.  

Your movie diva Movielynne

PS from Carl:  All ten years of the movie club's history can be found on the blog page, 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Patch Of Blue

Hello Moviemainers,

Here we are already into the second month of the year.  I started thinking about a film for the month of February.  Sidney Poitier passed away on January 6 of this year, although he made many wonderful films with some classic lines in them, for me it is a film 1965  A Patch Of Blue with Elizabeth Hartman and Shelly Winters.  The film tells the story of a blind girl who is abused by her mother and spends her days in the park making beaded necklaces.  She meets a man played by Sidney Poitier and he helps her to a better life.  This is the film considered his most successful in his career.  He agreed to a reduced salary for 10 percent of the film gross, which was a smart thing to do, as it was a successful film and made a lot of money.  Shelly Winters won for best supporting actress at the Academy Awards.

Now we have not been able to be together for a film and dinner since January 2020.  I do not know how you all feel about getting together but we would love to host this month on Friday February 18 up here in Westbrook.  I understand if you do not feel comfortable because of covid, but if you do we would love to see everyone.   Friday February 18 117 Grandview Drive in Westbrook (it is not really that far) we will make it an early evening.  Please let me know RSVP if you can make it.    


Click here to view the trailer

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Anxious People

Hi MovieMainers,    

What can I say better late then never!   The film or should I say films for the month of January is Anxious People this you will find on Netflix.   This is a Swedish series about a father and son who are cops it takes place in 2021 .   It is a comedy  / drama funny and touching moments in the film.   My favorite is the son who even when moments get tough on the job he still calls his father pa pa .   I especially like the women hair dresser , who is trying to fix the son's hair during a hostage crisis.    Forgive my delay in sending this out and enjoy watching this series.   
