Thursday, March 4, 2021


The film for the month of March is Bernie 2011 a film based on a true story of of the 1996 murder of an 80  year old millionairess from Texas by her 39 year old companion.  Jack Black has his best performance earning him a Golden Globe Nomination.   It has comedy , a little documentary and a murder.  The real people in the town are in the film giving their opinions about what happened.   Please send me an email and let me know if you enjoyed the film.

I am counting down until we all have had our vaccines and we can all be together watching the film and enjoying a meal together .    

Until next month  


Click here to view trailer

1 comment:

Leslie Rutherford said...

I watched Bernie last night and was doubled over with laugh-out-loud glee! Although it has some dark moments, the acting was superb and Jack Black was excellent! I don't know where they found these actors but all of them were totally believable and spot on. I loved the concept of part story - part documentary. I am going to watch it again this weekend. Thanks Lynne - this ranks right up there with your best picks! Enjoy!!!

PS I watched it on Prime with commercials which also were some of the best I have seen! Total win all the way around!
