Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sherlock Holmes | The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes

A good time was had by all who attended the movieclub supper on July 27, what is so wonderful to me is the fact that everyone has an opinion on the films we watched and interpretation of the films is seen differently by everyone.  We had a warm evening  to eat alfresco like they did in the movie.  Great food and great conversations about the movies chosen, it simply for me doesn't get better then that.  How lucky am I to get to be a part of this and the members who make the club fun !  Ok onto a new month of movies.  

August is now upon us, This month August 14 is free movie at Striper's restaurant it is Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr.  It is fast paced and  Jude Law does a great job as Dr. Watson, I hope you all enjoy remember, you can have popcorn, lobster roll, hamburgers and fries on the lawn it doesn't get better then this.  The film starts at 8:p.m. remember to bring your lawn chair.  The Second choice is the film The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes This film was made in 1970 it was partly written by Billy Wilder and directed by Billy Wilder.  midgets, Lock  Ness monster , and a women that Sherlock falls for, a very different kind of Sherlock.  If you have Netflix you can stream it in, if not you can ask the library to order it for you.   I hope you enjoy and I hope to see you all at the movies  Movielynne 

Check out "Sherlock Holmes" on

Check out "Private Life of Sherlock Holmes" on


Anonymous said...

sounds wonderful wish i were going to be around i always wanted to do the movie on the lawn at strippers tom jordan

Movielynne said...

I must comment on movienite on Wednesday at Striper's restaurant I usually enjoy movie outside in the evening,but two things happened number 1 It was so cold and I loaned my blanket to someone eles. Number 2 what is the matter with people bringing small children to the adult movie when clearly they should be in bed. I had no alternative but to turn around at those parents and glare and them. Come on people we have adults trying to watch a film here while your two year old is acting up. moral of story duct tape at the door should be applied,I just can't help it when parents do not keep kids in line when clearly other people are trying to watch a film. grouchy Movielynne saying watch your movie at home next time .

Movie Mainers said...

And here's a #3 to add to Movielynne's list - Federal Jack's shouldn't be allowed to make so much noise! Their band was so loud it interfered with the movie. If I lived nearby I'd be complaining about disturbing the peace!! On the plus side, the food was great as always. And both movies this month were excellent. Three cheers to Movielynne for her consistently wonderful selections!