Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Wine Month: A Good Year | Bottle Shock | Corked

The three movies for July are Bottle shock,  corked and my personal favorite A Good Year.  I am still working on the idea of a wine tasting party but if that does not work out, we are still doing these movies   Corked is a mockumentary comedy about a small group of California vintners who are vying for the honor in a wine competition.  It reminds me a little of a Christopher Guest movie you know with a similar form The Best In Show group of actors..      Bottle Shock is a dramedy based on the true 1976 wine competition when a California wine defeated a French wine.  Starring one of my favorite character actor Alan Rickman (ahh Colonel Brandon in Jane Austin's Sense and Sensibility loved  him in that part ).   The last my favorite of the group A Good Year   A british broker inherits a French chateau that belonged to his uncle he must go to France and settle his uncle's affairs including selling the chateau.  He starts to remember happy summer vacations with his uncle at the chateau, now this film has Russell Crowe and Marion Cortilland in it directed by Ridley Scott Now I know what some of you are thinking it is predictable I DO NOT CARE  it has wonderful French music and I think the writing is fun.  Favorite line in the film is when the caretaker asks the girl "where are you from?"  she answers Napa Valley  He saids "oh that is where they make fruit juice"  I hope you enjoy these films.  I hope you will leave a comment on the blog site on the movies, I love to read them I am dreaming about a fine Pinot Grigio let me know your favorite wine Movielynne

Check out BOTTLE SHOCK in IMDB.com

Check out CORKED in IMDB.com


tom jordan said...

loved Harold and Maude, very unusual, music was great , a really fascinating experience. cannot wait to see Bottle shock saw a preview it looks great. tom jordan

Movie Mainers said...

Movielynne asked me to share this information with everyone:

Members, as you know July has been chosen as wine month I hope everyone is enjoying the movies this month I am getting feedback on the films and I have got to admit that A Good Year is my favorite still even though I watched all three again. We will have a dinner on July 27 at 10 Maine street to celebrate the movies I am thinking French food to go with the movies any thoughts of what you would like to bring to the dinner something French would be great also bring a bottle of your favorite wine we'll sample everyone's favorite as a wine tasting it starts at 6:p.m. please rsvp to let me know how many people will be here and what food you are bringing. we'll need appetizers, salad, sides, dessert. Please leave a comment on the blog site about the films and let me know about dinner as Julia Child would say Bon apetite Something tells me I will see you all for dinner. email me that is a wrap. Movielynne

Tom Jordan said...

We'll bring gougeres, which are French appetizers. They're made from a dough that's mixed with cheese and baked in the oven.

Jim said...

I really enjoyed Bottleshock!! The seventies were really great! Go Cal.!!! The only thing better than "The Colonel",guacamole, and chardonnay is a Pinot Grigio!!!

movielynne said...

Movielynne here I try very hard to get copies of films for members to share but this month I have had trouble with one film backordered and another film that got damaged. Please notify the library as soon as I announce the film so that you have enough time to get at least one film in before dinner night. Movielynne

Anonymous said...

would be fun to have the wine tasting even if we each just bring an interesting wine we like for the group to sample. Also will be fun to try to think of something French to bring so the group can taste various favorites, should be a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!! tom Jordan