Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lars & The Real Girl | Harold & Maude | Temple Grandin

Ok folks it is June and I know that some of you are back in town the movies for the month of June are two dramadeys a little drama and a little comedy both a little quirky.  Lars and The Real Girl starring Ryan Gossling, a man has a breakdown and falls in love with a doll it could have taken a wrong turn and become smutty, not at all very touching.     

The next film is Harold and Maude a death obsessed  young man meets a fiesty widow who's High on life, they share a bond.  It was not popular when it first came out but now has a cult following.  These two films we will be discussing at the next get together.  Members ask for their choice and Pearl's choice this month is Temple Grandin starring Clair Dames, an autistic women who revolutionized practice for the humane handling of livestock on cattle ranches.
  So see one movie two movies and member choice if you can fit it in your calender,  I will let you know when the next meeting will be  Movielynne


Leslie and Jim said...

Love the choices this month. Have wanted to see all three of them. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.

movielynne said...

members We had 26 hits saturday on our website that is great now If I can get people to leave comments on the blog site of their movie choice I would feel complete. Movielynne

Unknown said...

Dear members June 29 will be our next pot luck supper it is combo theatre and movie club members as the month slips by us we will get it in before the end of the month. Be prepared for discussion on this month's selection. We will meet at our house at 5:30p.m. as the theatre starts at 8:00p.m. p.s. call me to let me know if you are coming,or if you can't leave a message on the blog site. Movielynne

Movie Mainers said...

More information regarding the movie dinner on 6/29 - after the dinner, some of us are seeing "The Andrews Brothers" at the Arundel Barn Playhouse. If any of you would like to join us at the theatre after the dinner, please do so. Or if you'd prefer to just attend the dinner, that's okay too. Remember to RSVP if you're coming to dinner. Thanks!

Pearl said...

Hello Movie Mainers - -Can we delay the discussion on Temple Grandin until the next session? I checked my library and they do not have it - -but I am sure they can get it from another library and I am waiting for the library to get back to me.
Thank you

Pearl said...

Hello Movie Mainers - -I just got Temple Grandin from the library yesterday so I hope we can talk about the movie later this month.
Thank You