Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Hi Moviemainers,   

Yes I am one day late in sending this out, I am winding down a bit on my gardening projects and will have more time soon (note from Carl... and I added another week to the delay!).  

The film for the month of September is Rushmore 1998 Starring Jason Schwartzman and Bill Murray.   This is a Wes Anderson film with writing also being done by Owen Wilson.   A student strikes up a friendship with a older man when they both fall for a teacher.   This film is considered number 34 of the 100 funniest films ever made.  This is the film that resurrected Bill Murray's career.   I hope you enjoy I thought choosing a film about school during the month of September was fitting.   

Your Movie diva Movielynne

Click here to watch the trailer. 

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