Moviemainers April pick
I normally like to choose a film that relates to spring ( one of my favorite times of the year, the other being summer) I love grass turning green, flowers blooming, riding my bike , going for walks and just being able to walk out the door without thinking about being cold. I felt this month we all need a good laugh something to distract us from what is going on in the world if only for a couple of hours.
The film is NIghtshift 1982 Starring Henry Winkler and Micheal Keaton . The film was directed by Ron Howard and was based on a true story written in the New York Times about two men working on the night shift in the city morgue who started running a prostitution business. Look for small cameos by Kevin Costner and Sharon Doherty . This was Ron's second film and it was a big success and Henry Winler was nominated for a Golden Globe award for best actor.
I will not speak about who is hosting the next get together , it could be sometime before we can watch a film together, but we will always have the movies. Quoting a line from a film we will always have Paris. Ok who said that and in what film ? I think I will start giving out prizes for people who actually answer the question.
Take care stay healthy and stay in touch.
Click here for the official trailer.