Saturday, February 1, 2014

Alfie | Widow's Peak

The first movie for the month of February is the 1966 "Alfie" with Micheal Caine.  I  have chosen this film because I have got that song stuck in my head.  It is about a womanizing man who couldn't care less about other peoples' feelings.  It was the first film to get suggested for mature audiences, which eventually became P.G. rating.  A must see that you can watch on YouTube is Cilla Black recording "Alfie" with Burt Bacharach in Abbey Studios in London: Click here to watch. In my opinion it is the best of all the recordings of that song.  

The next film on the agenda is "Widow's Peak" from 1994, starring Mia Farrow, Natasha Richardson and Joan Plowright.  It is about a little village in Ireland in the 1920's after WW1. It  just so happens that everyone in this little village is a widow, and what happens when a new widow shows up and stirs the pot. My husband asked me what is the theme of this month's movies; I guess I would have to say "Just British".  

The next movie club meeting will be an afternoon luncheon at Don & Ginny's new home on Sunday 2/23 at 3:00 pm. Their address is: 11 Bramblewood Lane, Gorham, ME 04038.  Afterwards, we will go to Larry's house to view "Widow's Peak".  Larry is a new member who lives near Don & Ginny and has a movie theatre in his house; how lucky are we?!?! Your only assignment is to see "Alfie", and then we will watch "Widow's Peak" together at Larry's.  Movielynne 

PS from Carl...How appropriate it is to do British movies this month! February 9th is the 50th anniversary of the Beatles appearance on Ed Sullivan, which sparked the British Invasion.  Coincidentally there's a Beatle connection in each of Movielynne's choices: Cilla Black was a coatroom girl at Liverpool's Cavern Club where she met the Beatles, who introduced her to Brian Epstein and George Martin which led to her first recording contract.  And Jane Asher (who was engaged to Paul McCartney for several years before he met his future wife Linda) is in the cast of "Alfie". Jane inspired many of Paul's early love songs, such as "And I Love Her".  Plus..."Widow's Peak" features Mia Farrow (who joined the Beatles in India, along with her sister Prudence, in 1968 to study meditation with the Maharishi).  While in India, Prudence inspired the song "Dear Prudence" which appeared on the White Album.   

Check out "Alfie" on

Check out "Widow's Peak" in


Unknown said...

Dear Club members feb 23 almost full for aftermoon dinner and a movie in Gorham please call me or email if you would like to attend the movie we show will be widow's peak one of the two movies chosen for February the other is Alfie 166 version. can't wait to see you all I will let everyone know what they need to bring in the next two days Movielynne

Unknown said...

members, Carl and I had dinner and a movie we watched Alfie together. Boy was Alfie a shmuck. Can't wait for dinner at Don and Ginny's and movie at Larry's house what a treat looking forward to seeing everyone. That is everyone who made a reservation, it is full you snooze you lose. Movielynne

Movie Mainers said...

I just love the 1960s! Making a movie whose lead character is totally unlikeable and the audience has no empathy for is so typical of that topsy-turvy decade. Paul McCartney's fiance, Jane Asher, was adorable as Annie. Her character was smart enough to leave Alfie...she not only left, she ran!

Unknown said...

carl great comment I agree wholeheartly. Guys like Alfie, end up alone in old age sitting in a nursing home with no one caring about them as they cared for no one their whole life. Instead of giving back or helping a friend it was all about immediate gratification of their needs... Movielynne