Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Rosemary's Baby | Storm of the Century

 As Halloween appproches I feel the need to bring you two films on the scary side of town.  Last year we dealt with ghost stories this year we are going for thriller moviesThe First is Rosemary's Baby  1968  I had not seen it in years and as I  watched it I felt , wow this had to be really really scary in 1968.  The film deals with Satan and how just moving into a certain building and meeting the neighbors changes  their lives.  It stares Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes and my personal favorite Ruth Gordan.   Unlike a lot of Hollywood movies that do not mirror the book, Roman Polanski's   screenplay  follows the book.  A little movie trivia, Mia Farrow was married to Frank Sinatra at the time of this film.  Frank wanted Mia to quit on this film as he was working on a film of his own, she did not want to leave in the middle of production so Frank filed divorce papers right on the set right in front of the crew.  Frank liked to do things his way.  Next on the list is Storm Of The Century 1999, written for tv by Steven King it was made into a three part mini series I own it and will lend it just let me know.  It is almost four hours long but when you break it up it moves quickly.  The basic story line is a small island off the coast of Maine is Hit with a major snowstorm power is cut from the mainland.  A stranger comes to  the island and wrecks havoc, he seems to know all the personal secrets of the islanders.  He keeps repeating the same line Give me what I want and  I will go away.  Lock the doors and keep the lights on .  Movielynne

Check out Rosemary's Baby on IMDB.com

Check out Storm of the Century on IMDB.com


movielynne said...

members this month being October we dealt with thriller movies that dealt with Santan. Although these movies are not new they are still pretty scary. I hope to see at least one comment on this blog site letting me know what you think of them. Hey who stole my popcorn ? Movielynne

movielynne said...

I guess this comment page is just for me, oh well I really enjoyed the movies for this month keep it up Movielynne

Movie Mainers said...

Only us exceptionally brilliant people know how to use it I guess. I love the choices for October. My sisters told me I was too young to watch "Rosemary's Baby" when it came out, that I'd have nightmares. I asked them at dinner last week if it was okay to watch it now, and they said yes. So I'm good to go.

movielynne said...

members we have eleven signed up for dinner on Tuesday night we will discuss august movies and September movies and if you wish for those who have watched the October movies feel free to give us your opinions. Lots of good food and great conversations. I look forward to seeing you all. Movielynne

Movie Mainers said...

We watched Rosemary's Baby last week and loved it. Being the 1960s fanatic I am, I'm way overdue watching this iconic movie. Great stuff! We're now halfway through Storm of the Century and love that one too. We're in Provincetown, and everything's going into winter mode here. Without a Christmas Prelude like KPT, they fold up for the season faster than us; restaurants and shops were already closing until spring. So it's ironic that we watched a blizzard movie that same day! My theory is that Rosemary's baby grew up to become Andre Limone in Storm of the Century. Rosemary should have drowned him when he was a baby!

movielynne said...

members for all that missed the moviemainers dinner last night wow we did a Hollywood theme dinner as the movies for September were about moviemaking members went all out. spinach ball appetizers, salad from the Brown Derby, chicken from The palm restaurant noodles romanoff vegetables from spago's and desert from the Beverly Wiltshire hotel. How lucky are we to be in this club ? Movielynne

JML said...

Just want to say that a great time was had by all the other night!! Food from recipes from the "Hollywood" restaurants was exceptional! And did we laugh... Keep up the good work! The movie club is a hit!!

Leslie said...

OK Folks, getting ready for the festivities at our house on Novmber 15th. Just watched "Rosemarys Baby" and forgot how much I loved it. It was just as creepy now as it was back in the '60's. Mia was just wonderful. Having trouble getting "Storm of the Century". Does anyone have a copy?
See some of you on the 15th!

Leslie and Jim