Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Anne Bancroft Month

Members  April is here and we have already had our movieclub supper.  Although we were to have a big group  the cold and flu season is still here.and on Saturday they were dropping like flies. we had six for dinner and a movie.  For all those who were not here we did something different, we watched the director's cut of the film.  It was the film the Thomas Crown Affair.  as the director speaks over the film telling blow by blow how he shot certain scenes and where he attained some of the props for the film you would find this interesting. ( I did! )  We did a light buffet supper in the barn while we watched the film, always fun.The Month of May is Anne Bancroft Month,  here is a little something you may not know about her, she was Italian she changed her name for the stage, she is one of only I believe  of twleve women to win a academy, golden globe and an emmy.  She was married for forty one years to Mel Brooks when ever he would get home and open the door to their apartment she would say oh good now the fun begins.   The two films we are suggesting is Fatso (this film she wrote and directed and produced and starred in.  The second is your choice some suggestions Garbo Talks, The Graduate, The Turning Point, one other I just remembered the part of Nicole Kidman's mother in Malice it is a small part but very juicey! Keeping the Faith,I am sure there are .    many more that my  brain is missing at this moment you get the picture I hope you will be able to join us for the next supper club we do not have a date set we will let you know.  hope to see you at the movies  movielynne

Check out "Fatso" on

Anne Bancroft's filmography on


movielynne said...

OK folks just finished watching The Turning Point Bancroft is believeable as the prima ballerina.Bancrft and MacLaine were both nominated for best actress in a drama neither won. I found the ballet scenes dragged a bit. Next on my Bancroft list will be The Graduate,"I have one word it's plastic". Let me know your Bancroft film and why you chose it. Movielynne

movielynne said...

OK members I wanted to remind you of another Bancroft film that is very good that is To Be Or Not To Be with Mel Brools, it is a remake of a film with Carol Lombard. Put it on the list! Movielynne

Pearl said...

This website is fantastic Carl...I did not know that Ann was married to Mel Brooks - -WOW Great information here.
I was wondering how a person submits a movie for review to the club. I have a few movies I would like to suggest. Until then, I will keep reading the blog to stay current with all the fun!


Leslie said...

Hi Everyone
Jim and I have just returned from a mini vaca that was wonderful. We missed seeing everyone for the April gathering but will be here for the May festivities. I love the choices for May and love Anne Bancroft. Like the tidbits too are educating us all. We will get going viewing the options. Me thinks Spring has Sprung! Yah!

Movie Mainers said...

To answer Pearl's question...if any of you have movie suggestions, simply send an email to our fearless leader MovieLynne at She's already taken several requests (Angela suggested "A Man & A Woman"; Leslie suggested "Angela's Ashes"; Joan suggested "The Fortune"; Warren suggested "Trip To Bountiful"; I suggested "Nobody's Fool" & Steve Martin).

For this month, Tom & I chose two Anne Bancroft movies in addition to "Fatso". We're half way through "The Turning Point" and are also going to watch "The Graduate" (my favorite line isn't "PLASTICS!" but rather "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me!").

Tom said...

hi looking forward to Fatso at our house for dinner May 23 , a nice way to start the memorial day holliday, I am just arriving for a 3 1/2 week stay before the hoards rent the house and we are evicted until November. Chef Carl claims he may cook something for us to eat to go with liberal servings of cocktails, my cosmopolitans, and wine. Looking forward to seeing everyone tom jordan

movielynne said...

OK moviemainers I hope you are all gearing up for may 23 thursday for dinner and the movie Fatso. There are so many great Ann Bancroft films to choose from. Trivia did you know that at the time she played Mrs. Robinson she was only thirty five years old and Dustin Hoffman was thirty. I just love movie trivia! See you at the movies. Movielynne