Friday, February 1, 2013

Steve Martin Month | Everyone Says I Love You

Hey club members, 

A great time was had by all at Leslie and Jim's house for the January movie club dinner.  Many thanks to them for hosting.  For February, we've chosen a musical called "Everyone Says I Love You", a Woody Allen musical from the 1990s starring Julia Roberts, Goldie Hawn, Alan Alda, and Drew Barrymore.  It's hard to find so the back up musical selection is "Bandwagon" starring Cyd Charisse and Fred Astaire.  Also, lets include your choice of any of Steve Martin's films.  Some of my personal favorites are "Lonely Guy", "Bowfinger", "Roxanne", and "A Simple Twist of Fate".  There are many more to choose from, so feel free to explore.  Info regarding the next dinner will be announced soon.  

Movie flash....the club now has a blog!  You can see the blog by clicking on this link - 

From now on, when you watch movies and would like to share your thoughts with the rest of the club, you can post a comment in the blog.  

The directions to post a comment are: 

1 - Click on "comments" at the bottom of the posting (it'll say "No Comments", or "1 Comments", or "2 Comments", etc, depending on the number of comments that have been posted thus far).  

2 - Enter your comment in the box. 

3 - For "Comment As", select "Name/URL". 

4 - Enter your name in the "Name" field. 

5 - Click on "Continue". 

6 - Click on "Publish". 

Happy Blogging!  
Movie Lynne 

Pictures from our movie club dinner at Jim & Leslie's on 1/24/2013: 


joan said...

I am so sorry i missed the best looking party of January 2013! I will do my best to not miss any other maine movie meeting. The centerpiece was very creative, I loved seeing the little yellow boxes, and my unused place tag was so motivating-thank you for including me in these MMMs, and I am excited to participate at the next shindig. I am so excited that I broke my own rule and am posting on a blog for the first time! Enjoy the snow and sure footing! Joan

Movie Mainers said...

Hi everyone,

Greetings from Hollywood, the home of the movies! Our hotel, The Beverly Hilton, hosted a lunch for the Oscar nominees yesterday. We could have seen Helen Hunt, Steven Spielberg, etc...but we were out for a walk and missed it. However...we did find a few of yesteryear's celebs. Check out these pics:

While not a movie star, we did meet a celebrity chef...Wolfgang Puck. He's really charming! We had a nice talk about animal rights and humane methods.

The Petersen Auto Museum has some movie-related cars. The pics in this link are of Fred Astaire's car; the car from "Thelma & Louise"; and the batcycle from the original Batman TV series:

Over and out,
Carl & Tom

Unknown said...

dear movie mainers I want to let you know for all members that have not heard that wednesday is free movie night at smitty's they show older films for free and hope that you have dinner. Carl and I went to see The Notebook on wednesday. A great human story about dealing with alzheimer's Carl and I shared the potato skins ( the best) and I had the chicken pannini and Carl had pizza and fries. Now I know this blog is about the movies but I think most people would agree that food and movies go together and a chardonay and a cosmopoltian with some food makes the movie twice as nice. I hope you have picked your favorite Steve Martin film this month you pick what ever one you want I have chosen Bowfinger as this is truly one of my top ten funniest movies of all time..the plot is based on a man who wishes to be a movie director and what he will go through to make it happen. In my opion Eddie Murphy should have gotten a academy award for the acting he did in this movie hope you choose it. We will let everyone know when the next supper is soon..stay tuned movie Lynne

Movie Mainers said...

Hi all! We really enjoyed EVERYONE SAYS I LOVE YOU. Everyone who watched it with us laughed heartily throughout the movie. Great choice! Our Steve Martin movies were THREE AMIGOS, THE BIG YEAR, and SIMPLE TWIST OF FATE. I loved all three, not surprising since Steve Martin is one of my heroes. THREE AMIGOS reminds me of another personal favorite - GALAXY QUEST starring Tim Allen, which also is about actors being thrown into a real crisis.