Saturday, February 4, 2023

Shirley Valentine

Hello Moviemainers,  the film for the month of February is Shirley Valentine.  It is a 1989 film with music by Marvin Hamlish and the lyrics by the  Bergmans.

The film tells the story of a 42 year old woman who is stuck in a rut and her girlfriend tells her she must go to Greece with her for a two week holiday.   She meets a man who has a tavern ( do not want to spoil the rest of it for you ).  The film won many awards and critics gave  it 4 out of 5 stars.   

Your Movie diva Movielynne

PS from George & Carl… unless someone else would like to host a gathering this month, we’d be happy to do so.  Like last time, it’d be cocktails, heavy hors d’ouevres, and popcorn.  If you’re interested let us know and we’ll schedule a date.