Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Mrs. Brown | Consuming Passions

Dear Moviemainers,

Before I begin to speak of the films for the month let me speak on Mary Tyler Moore's passing away.  Now I am turning 60 this year (Yes I am kicking and screaming and saving up for my face lift, which reminds me of Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard's favorite line "Mr. Demille I am ready for my close up", well I am not ready for mine yet!).  Forgive me I digress, I wanted to be Mary Tyler Moore when I was younger.  I was in Junior high when that show premiered.  She played the part of an independent woman.  I loved her apartment and I loved her best friend Rhoda.  Although she was wonderful in Ordinary People, she really did not do many films.  It is kind of funny as stars pass away I always think of time standing still and them not aging.  Mary was 80 years old and she had been ill for two years and almost blind.   

It is February and here are the movies for the month.  I am thinking everyone would think I would pick two romantic films this month but I am taking it in a different path.  First one up Mrs. Brown 1997.  I thought since Masterpiece Theater is showing Victoria, you all would enjoy this film.  Although you have seen Judi Dench on tv and in the movies, this is her first starring role.  She is primarily known for the theater work.  Also starring Billy Connolly who you know as a stand up comedian.  The film tells the story of Queen  Victoria during her mourning of Prince Albert in the year of 1864.  The servants suggest to the Queen she should go outside for fresh air and a ride on her Royal horse.  A Scotsman shows up to be her groom and stirs the pot in the castle.  Based on a true story I hope you enjoy this film.

Next up is Consuming Passions 1988 Starring Vanessa Redgrave and Johnathan Pryce.  It is the story of a chocolate factory worker that by accident pulls a lever and 3 men fall into the mix and human flesh gets mixed into the candy.  Customers love the taste (I warn you this is a dark quirky comedy).  This is a small little English film that not many people know about.  The English just have a way with their funny sense of humor.  So you see although, yes it is Valentine's Day, there is no romance this month but there is friendship and yes by God there is candy!    

I will be in Maine the third week of March and look forward to seeing you.

Take care and Happy Valentine's Day.

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