Friday, January 1, 2016

Slingshot | Star Wars

The movies for January are... the first is Slingshot 2014  about the inventor Dean Kamen who spends 15 years working on a machine to make clean water .   this is Jim's pick.   He found it on Netflix, and very worth viewing more then once.   Second film is the original Star Wars 1977 This is a George Lucas film for anyone who is living under a rock.   Interesting to know George shopped it to all the major networks that said no because they felt it was too strange in the end, 20th century took the chance, it cost 11 million to make and it made 775 million ( good bet on this one ).   I am in Arizona right now, I hope there will not be to much snow this month, and remember enjoy the movies.   Your Movie Diva Movielynne