Sunday, February 1, 2015

Misery | Lovers & Other Strangers

Ok moviemainers, it is February and what am I thinking about is snow and Valentine's day.   Two films that fit the bill.   The first one is the 1990 film Misery directed by Rob Reiner and screenplay by one of my favorite writers William Goldman.   It is a story about a writer who in a snow storm runs his car off the road.   He is rescued by a nurse who helps to get him to her home to recover from his injuries.   Hang onto your seat !   Kathy Bates received the Academy Award for Best Actress for this film.   Stephen King considers this one of the best films from all of the films that have been made from one of his books.    

Next is a really funny film it is called Lovers and Other Strangers, written by Joesph Bologna and Renee Taylor.  It is about a young couple who are about to get married and all the relatives in their lives.   It is the first film Diane Keaton played in and the song For All We Know was recorded by the Carpenters and won the Academy Award for Best original Song  in 1970.  I get a kick out of this movie as the characters resemble people I have met in my own life.   

My plans are not fixed yet for the month of February where I will be,  anyone who would like to host let me know.  Movielynne

Read about Misery in

Read about Lovers & Other Strangers in