The next film is a Coen brothers film called "Burn After Reading" from 2008. This is truly a black comedy written and directed by the Coen brothers. When a cd is left on the floor in a locker room gym, a personal trainer thinks it could be highly sensitive information from the government . The trainer and his friend set out to blackmail the man who dropped it by accident, and the cast of characters unfold and it is surprising. One story from the making of the film is when Brad Pitt read the role he told Joel Coen, "I do not think I can play this role, this guy is an idiot". Joel Coen thought for a minute and said " Ah you will be just fine ". Brad Pitt received a BAFTA award for Best Supporting Role in the film.
This month's dinner will be at Tom & Carl's house on Monday 11/24 at 6:00. They will be screening "Burn After Reading" that night. If you can make it, please RSVP in the blog or send an email to Tom or Carl.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving, your movie diva Movielynne.
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